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Consultation Services

Problem identification and resolution is often a difficult task for busy executives. In many instances it is advantageous to have the assistance from an experienced, unbiased professional management or software consultant. JoePalma Systems consultants have hands on experience in a wide variety of environments ranging from large automated warehouses to sophisticated customer contact centers. We can help you identify and resolve problems with your business processes, information systems, or technology utilization. JoePalma Systems consulting methodology includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks:
  • Define the problem.

Businesses often treat symptoms instead of addressing the actual cause of a problem. For instance, a high abandonment rate in the customer service contact center might be perceived as a shortage of personnel when the actual problem could be related to other factors such as poor system response, necessary information not readily available, incorrect information displayed or in wrong sequence, employees at fax machine, etc. Our experience and focus allows us to zero in on the real issues causing the problem.

  • Quantify the problem.

Knowing the source of a business problem is not enough. Proper problem resolution requires an in depth understanding of the effects of the problem, either in terms of value (dollars) or opportunity. Problem resolution decisions should always be based upon some tangible benefit such as increased profits, improved customer loyalty, or other strategic objective. To accomplish this you will need a reasonable idea of the cost / value of the problem.

  • Identify a solution.

After the nature and scope of the problem have been identified, it is time to evaluate and select a methodology for resolution. In some cases the cost/benefits might outweigh the problem, in which case the decision will be easy: do nothing. In most cases, however, this is where an experienced consultant can be most beneficial. JoePalma Systems can assist you in the evaluation and selection of software solutions, technology and hardware solutions, and process enhancement strategies. JoePalma System's broad based experience allows us to identify which solutions will be most appropriate for your business problem.

  • Implement the solution.

Change within an organization is never easy. That is often why the problem existed in the first place. Solution implementation requires diligent, systematic management to succeed. Proper planning and precise timing are necessary to guarantee ongoing business operations during implementation. JoePalma Systems services such as project planning and management, design review, product acquisition, installation, testing, and training will help insure the success of your project. 

Some of our Consultancy services includes the following:

For further information please complete the form below and we will be more than happy to be your consultant.

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