JoePalma Systems Limited


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Business Process Outsourcing

Companies are focusing on core business and outsourcing all context based IT processes because of shrinking bottom lines and competition. The key differentiator in the global market place is going to be technology; it is imperative that IT outsourcing partnership is one of the most important decisions that executives make. Outsourcing has the following benefits to the clients:

•   Client Teams Focus on Core and Strategic Initiatives
•   "One-stop-source" for all client IT requirements
•   Predictable IT Costs
•   Reduction in IT Costs
•   Protection against technology obsolescence
•   Reduces manpower attrition problem
•   Access to a wide range of technology and business skill-sets on short
•   Access to 24x7 Time Cycle

•   Faster development & deployment
•   Speed to Market
•   Creates competitive advantage

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